FASEA is coming

By Josh Edmunds, Responsible Investment Association Australasia   The Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority’s (FASEA) Code of Ethics (The Code) is just around the corner, coming into force on 1 January 2020. And while The Code lays the foundations of clear principles and values required for...

Key take aways from PRI in Person

By Simon O'Connor, CEO, Responsible Investment Association Australasia I was fortunate to spend last week in Paris, with 1700 others at the annual PRI in Person, the largest ever global conference of responsible investors. It was a week full of rich content, which allowed a global...

Responsible Investing Reaches All Time High

Yesterday’s launch of the responsible investment sector’s annual benchmarking report shows responsible investment has almost doubled in 2 years. The 2016 Responsible Investment Benchmark Report by the Responsible Investment Association of Australia (RIAA) found that core responsible investment has grown by 62% in one year and is now...

So, what exactly is the purpose of superannuation?

This was the question The Treasury sought views on last week, with the intention of enshrining this purpose in legislation to finally create clarity 24 years after the introduction of the compulsory Superannuation Guarantee. The obvious response to this question is that the purpose of super...