
RIAA welcomes adoption of a Global Biodiversity Framework at COP15

RIAA is pleased today to be welcoming the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework struck at the conclusion of COP15.


This marks an important moment for the world, elevating biodiversity to be recognised as a global asset to be cherished and protected, and for the rapid decline in biodiversity to be urgently halted and reversed.


Investors have increasingly become aware of the critical role of nature and biodiversity to our global wellbeing and prosperity. It has become evident to investors that we can’t meet climate targets without protecting and restoring our precious biodiversity, and a thriving economy is not possible without both climate and nature being protected and managed.


RIAA, together with many of our members, is today welcoming this critical global agreement, and is accepting of our role to play in delivering on the commitments made within, including:


– The investment required for biodiversity protection and restoration;

– The influence investors must have through their portfolio companies; and

– The requirement to progress transparent disclosure on our own risks, dependencies and impacts on biodiversity.


We welcome the constructive role the Australian Government has played in these global negotiations, including the US/Australia pact on natural capital accounting, the strong support for the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), and the support for the overarching 30 x 30 goals.


RIAA looks forward to working to bring the Australasian investment and finance community along to play their part, whilst supporting strong domestic environmental protection legislation. We look forward to continuing in our collaboration with the Australian and New Zealand governments as they progress the commitments made in the Global Biodiversity Framework, and continuing in our role in progressing the TNFD as the consultation group convenor in our region.



Photo by Dalal Nizam on Unsplash