
Submission date: July 2024

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Submission: Australian Sustainable Finance Institute (ASFI) Taxonomy Public Consultation

The Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA) warmly welcomes the development of the Australian Taxonomy and is pleased to see the project reach this important milestone, and the strong support from the Australian Government for this important project. RIAA is pleased to see the implementation of this key recommendation of the Australian Sustainable Finance Roadmap (2020). Implementation of the Roadmap recommendations overall should continue to be a strong focus for the sector and the Government.


In line with the taxonomy’s core principle of usability, RIAA supports the taxonomy being as simple as possible to ensure that it drives finance to where it is most needed, avoids unintended consequences, and encourages the activities that will have the most impact in support of climate change mitigation.

Submission date: June 2024

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Submission: Australia’s new Nature Positive laws

RIAA supports the Government’s Nature Positive Plan initiative that recognises the importance of robust environmental law reforms for protecting Australia’s biodiversity. RIAA has commented on relevant outcomes in Nature Positive Plan and recommends the Government:


– Provide investor and project proponents with more certainty and consistency as it progresses through the crafting of these laws and policies.

– Implement comprehensive programs to synchronise these initiatives to maximise effectiveness of the reforms.

– Establish clear environmental objectives to identify current loopholes and misalignments within the regulatory system and to inform necessary additional reforms.

Submission date: May 2024

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Submission: Assurance over climate and other sustainability information consultation paper

RIAA supports the Auditing and Assurance Board (AUASB) on progressing the development of assurance standards for climate and other sustainability information. Audit and assurance provide important ‘checks and balances’ by suitably qualified experts, and the assurance process is key to the credibility of any mandatory disclosure regime.


RIAA’s submission supports a pragmatic approach to assurance, taking into account the existing state of data and capability deficit. RIAA’s contribution to this consultation comprises the written submission with high-level comments, informed by the contribution of the RIAA Policy Technical Expert Group, as well as a meeting with AUASB and members of the RIAA Policy Technical Expert Group for direct engagement.

Submission date: April 2024

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New Zealand 

Submission: Proposed class exemption for certain green, social, sustainability, and sustainability-linked (GSSS) bonds

RIAA welcomed the FMA providing a class exemption for certain green, social, sustainability, and sustainability-linked (GSSS) bonds. which acknowledges the increasing retail investor interest in responsible investing, as well as the role that the debt market can play in the transition.

Submission date: April 2024

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Submission: National Adaptation Plan

RIAA commends the Government’s National Adaptation Plan, built on the first ever National Climate Risk Assessment. RIAA supports the objectives, particularly its acknowledgment of the private sector’s role in climate adaptation and resilience, and the need for increased climate resilience investments.

Submission date: April 2024

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Submission: Annual Superannuation Performance Test – Design Options

RIAA supports the Government reviewing the framework of the performance test and welcomes the breadth of consultation undertaken. Whilst RIAA supports the use of a performance test to help safeguard the retirement savings of Australians, RIAA agrees with the Government that the current performance test has had the desired effect to remove underperforming funds. However, it has also had unintended consequences which has disincentivised the superannuation sector from long-term decision-making, taking advantage of investment opportunities in new and emerging sectors and being able to adapt to a changing future: one where a focus on decarbonisation and transitioning to a net-zero economy is crucial. The proposed review of the performance test aligns with RIAA’s position that a whole-of-government approach to sustainable finance is required.


Responsible investment approaches as a whole have been shown to lead to improved risk/return outcomes. There are a number of super funds which implement market-leading approaches to responsible investment through default MySuper products and pass the current performance test, including organisations that have been named as Responsible Investment Leaders by RIAA. There are also a number of different views across industry regarding the appropriate approach (if any) to amending or replacing the performance test, including among RIAA’s 500-strong member base. However, through wide consultation and engagement with funds that pursue different strategies and approaches, and considering the importance of a joined-up policy response to both the climate change crisis and transitioning the Australian economy to net-zero, as well as RIAA’s mission, RIAA is of the view that the current performance test to constitute a regulatory barrier which is, at present, disincentivising the superannuation sector to invest outside of a limited universe that tracks carbon intensive benchmarks.


RIAA has:
• recommended the Government establish an independent multi-disciplinary oversight body (of industry and technical experts) to ensure the ongoing relevance of the performance test and that it remains fit-for-purpose into the future;
• a set of key principles to guide the selection of a new test; and
• commented on the design options set out in the consultation paper.

Submission date: March 2024

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Letter: Consultation on clarifying consultation requirements for offshore oil and gas storage regulatory approvals

RIAA wrote to the Department of Industry, Science and Resources to draw their attention to RIAA’s submission on the First Nations Clean Energy Strategy which sets out a number of relevant considerations for this consultation.

Submission date: March 2024

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Submission: AASB Sustainability Reporting Standards Exposure Draft

RIAA commends the AASB in bringing together the first Australian sustainability reporting standards, as it does the Australian Government in embarking on this path. Coupled with the forthcoming legislation mandating climate-related financial disclosure, robust and globally aligned disclosure standards are crucial for positioning Australia’s economy in the current global climate.


However, RIAA is concerned about the extent to which the Draft Standards:

– depart from the global baseline set by the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), which threatens the international alignment and interoperability of the disclosure; and
– narrow the application to climate only, when a number of significant markets are fast developing sustainability reporting outside of climate.


In its submission, RIAA has made a number of recommendations to address these concerns and support the development of sustainability reporting standards which reflect the ambition of the Australian Government and industry.

Submission date: March 2024

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New Zealand

Submission: FMA Consultation – Fair Outcomes for Consumers and Markets

RIAA welcomes the FMA providing insight into its approach to regulation and focus on demonstrating good conduct. The 7 outcomes proposed by the FMA encourages a focus away from a culture of compliance to a focus on how all areas of an organisation function effectively to deliver the outcomes within the individual context of each business.


To further assist industry, RIAA recommends the FMA:

– explain the metrics which may be used to measure whether each of the 7 outcomes have been achieved, noting that outcomes-focused regulation does not change the laws and consequences attached to conduct;

– include references and examples relating to sustainability, in recognition of consumers’ increasing focus on investing their money responsibly; and

– ensure consumers have consistent and comparable information regarding financial products, through supporting a product labelling regime in NZ, anchored to the industry standard set by RIAA’s Responsible Investment Certification Program.

Submission date: February 2024

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RIAA Submission: First Nations Clean Energy Strategy

RIAA welcomes the First Nations Clean Energy Strategy (the Strategy) as a statement of collaboration and direction for the Australian Government in its transition to a net-zero economy.


RIAA has made a number of recommendations. Crucially among these is the call to Government to legislate the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) principles without delay, including a clear definition of free and prior informed consent (FPIC), as well as developing a National Action Plan for implementation.


RIAA’s submission has the benefit of input from our First Nations Peoples’ Rights Working Group which is already aligned with the objectives of the Strategy. Specifically, the Working Group has supported the realisation of Goal 4 of the Strategy: Government and industry create opportunities to build deeper collaboration, consensus, and new ways of working with First Nations peoples, through the development of:

– the Investor Toolkit: An Investor Focus on Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Cultural Heritage Protection; and

– the soon-to-be-released Dhawura Ngilan Guide for Businesses and Investors, developed through the Dhawura Ngilan Business and Investor Initiative.

Submission date: February 2024

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RIAA Submission: Climate-related financial disclosure: exposure draft legislation


RIAA welcomes the significant milestone achieved by the Australian Government through the release of the exposure draft legislation for climate-related financial disclosure, having long-been a fervent advocate of such a regime in Australia. Mandatory climate disclosure will send a strong signal that Australia acknowledges the significance of accurate and useable sustainability information in markets. This will in turn attract capital to Australia and is critical for the continued competitiveness of key Australian industries.


Noting that this consultation occurred during the consultation for the Exposure Draft of the Australian Sustainability Reporting Standards (ASRS Exposure Draft) by the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB), RIAA is concerned that when, read together with the ASRS Exposure Draft, the legislation as drafted may not be sufficient to give effect to the intent of the policy. In particular, RIAA is concerned that the exposure draft legislation falls short of achieving international alignment and interoperability to support Australian investors.


In this submission, RIAA has made a number of recommendations to support the success of Australia’s mandatory climate-related financial disclosure regime. RIAA is not recommending that the suggested amendments hold up the commencement of the legislation. It is vitally important the Exposure Draft Legislation is enacted without delay.

Submission date: January 2024

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RIAA Submission: Climate Active Program


RIAA wrote to Climate Active, a program of the Australian Government, in support of the proposed update to the program which looks to lift its ambition in driving voluntary climate action, which includes reducing the reliance on offsets to meet objectives.

Submission date: December 2023

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RIAA Submission: Draft Sustainable Finance Strategy


RIAA strongly welcomes the Government’s efforts to create a Sustainable Finance Strategy as a pivotal milestone in Australia’s trajectory to net-zero, providing the opportunity to align with global trading partners in transitioning to a sustainable finance framework.


In RIAA’s view, the key priorities are to:

– integrate First Nations’ voices and knowledge into policy responses from Day 1.

– ensure initiatives such as disclosures and the sustainable finance taxonomy are broadened to encompass non-climate sustainability goals;

– ensure existing industry efforts are incorporated into the proposed product labelling regime;

– remove barriers and deterrents to responsible investment, in particular, the Your Future, Your Super (YFYS) performance test which currently acts as a disincentive to long-term sustainable investment;

– expand portfolio holdings disclosure requirements to managed funds, and to require granular details of holdings; and

– establish an advisory body made up of industry representatives to help track progress of the Strategy.

Submission date: September 2023

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Joint Australian bodies submission to the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) request for information consultation on agenda priorities September 2023


RIAA and a coalition that represents the voice of 15 peak professional, industry and investor bodies co-signed this submission. This coalition considers ‘clear, transparent, comprehensive and comparable disclosure of sustainability-related information to be part of the foundation of a well-functioning global financial system’.


As a result, the coalition expresses it support for prioritising capacity building and the effective implementation of IFRS S1 and IFRS S2 and supports the strategic direction of ISSB activities in coordination with existing and developing frameworks.

Submission date: September 2023

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RIAA Submission: Legislating the objective of superannuation


RIAA is broadly supportive of the Government’s objective of superannuation ‘to preserve savings to deliver income for a dignified retirement, alongside government support, in an equitable and sustainable way.’


In RIAA’s view:

– Responsible investment approaches which focus on long-term returns and mitigating environmental, social and economy-wide risks are central to a sustainable superannuation system. We see areas for potential strengthening for a more fulsome definition of this term that equally reflects the consideration of external sustainability challenges – such as climate change – that risk having outsized impacts on the quality of retirement for Australians.
– Any other policy measures that conflict with this definition are rectified, including the Your Future, Your Super performance test which has the potential to directly inhibit the way superannuation funds can contribute to preserve savings.

Submission date: August 2023

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RIAA Submission: International Sustainability Standards Board request for information consultation on agenda priorities September 2023


RIAA is pleased to make a submission to the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) on the Request of Information Consultation on Agenda Priorities (agenda consultation) which will shape the next two-year work plan of the ISSB.


RIAA makes the following recommendation to the ISSB’s agenda priorities:


– build on IFRS S1 and IFRS S2 to ensure a rapid adoption and uptake of these standards.

– maintain the momentum allowing for the next big ESG disclosures issues to be incorporated in future.

– build future research and standards around important issues to investors such as nature, a just transition, and human rights related risks.

– continue advancing the development of a more inclusive approach to materiality, with emphasis on ultimately adopting a double materiality approach.

Submission date: July 2023

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RIAA Submission: Climate-related financial disclosure Consultation paper June 2023 (Design consultation)


RIAA has long called for mandatory sustainability disclosures, and we are pleased to see the Australian Government moving down this path, on the heels of Aotearoa New Zealand’s already mandatory climate disclosures regime.


We’re pleased to provide a submission to Australian Treasury’s second consultation paper, and look forward to the introduction of mandatory reporting in FY 24-25. It will be important to leave the door open to disclosures on other sustainability issues going forward.



Submission date: May 2023

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RIAA Submission: Exposure Draft: Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment (Your Future, Your Super— Addressing Underperformance in Superannuation) Regulations 2023


RIAA has commented on proposed changes to the Your Future Your Super performance test, including a longer timeframe and additional indices in the benchmark.


In RIAA’s view, further reform to the YFYS performance test is needed to ensure:


– superannuation funds can meet growing consumer demand for values-based products,

– the performance test benchmark, in particular the underlying indices, is not deterring funds from directing capital to assets which will meet global commitments such as the Paris Agreement goals and Sustainable Development Goals, and

– the performance test is not misaligned with other policy objectives and regulators’ expectations.




Submission date: March 2023

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RIAA Submission: Legislating the objective of superannuation


RIAA supports the Government’s proposal for a legislated objective of super being ‘to preserve savings to deliver income for a dignified retirement, alongside government support, in an equitable and sustainable way.’


In RIAA’s view:

– The definition of ‘sustainable’ should support responsible investment strategies over long-term time horizons,

– The objective should align with national and global sustainability goals, and

– Existing obligations for super funds, including the Your Future, Your Super performance test, should align with the objective.

Submission date: March 2023

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RIAA Submission: APRA SPG 530 Investment Governance


RIAA welcomes APRA’s renewed expectations of super funds in prudential guidance SPG 530 Investment Governance.


We make the following recommendations to further strengthen and clarify draft SPG 530:

1. Clarify ESG terminology in line with global norms: Define key ESG-related terms and use this terminology consistently.
2. Relocate guidance on ‘Additional ESG impacts’: Include the guidance on impact investing and stewardship within the section on ‘Formulating the investment strategy’.
3. Clarify stewardship guidance: Define ‘stewardship’ and substitute principles-based guidance linking stewardship to superannuation funds’ best financial interests duty to members.

Submission date: February 2023

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New Zealand

RIAA submission: Assurance over climate-related disclosures


RIAA welcomes the Aotearoa New Zealand Government’s proposal to professionalise and expand the assurance of climate statements. These measures should improve the integrity of climate reporting and build investor trust and confidence in corporate climate information.


RIAA supports:

– direct regulation of sustainability assurance providers by the Financial Markets Authority,
– including suitably-qualified non-accountant assurance providers, as appropriate, and
– expanding assurance requirements to cover the whole of climate statements.

Submission date: February 2023

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RIAA submission: Climate-related disclosures


Treasury consulted on a proposal to mandate climate-related disclosures in Australia. In RIAA’s view, the key priorities for the new disclosures regime should be:


– alignment with the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), and adapting to Australia with a building-block approach,

– a fit-for purpose regulatory framework that can be expanded to incorporate broader sustainability disclosures,

– Government support for companies under the mandatory regime, including:

 – prompt introduction, with targeted, time-bound transitional arrangements to address key challenges for preparers and audit/assurance providers,

 – support from government including free, fit-for-purpose data access, and climate scenarios, and

 – practical regulatory guidance on aspects of disclosures that present challenges.

Submission date: December 2022

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RIAA submission: Empowering the AASB to deliver sustainability standards


RIAA commented on Australian Treasury proposals to empower the Australian Accounting Standards Board to make non-mandatory sustainability disclosure standards.


RIAA supported this important foundation for sustainability reporting in Australia. In RIAA’s view, this good first step could be strengthened through:

– a standalone governance body for sustainability disclosure standards

– strong standard-setting and public consultation requirements

– diverse sustainability expertise on the AASB, Auditing and Assurance Standards Board and Financial Reporting Council, beyond climate expertise

– maximum adherence to the standard-making framework and minimal differences between standards for different types of entities.

Submission date: November 2022

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RIAA submission: Review of Australia’s Modern Slavery Act 2018


RIAA welcomes the opportunity to provide this submission to the review of Australia’s Modern Slavery Act 2018 (MSA), sharing RIAA’s views and several recommendations. Responsible investors are committed to assessing and respecting human rights and mitigating human rights risks in their investments, in line with international agreements and community expectations. The MSA is an important means of providing a level of public transparency and accountability that enables investors to gauge their investee companies’ commitment to and effectiveness at combatting modern slavery. It enables investors better to assess the risks that may be present in that company, and across the entire portfolio of the investment organisation.

Submission date: November 2022

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Joint submission: Review of Australia’s Modern Slavery Act 2018


RIAA’s Human Rights Working Group (HRWG) co-developed this submission, which was signed on by 11 active HRWG members and RIAA. This coalition of investors noted that they see modern slavery and other types of labour exploitation as issues that go beyond ethics; in their view, modern slavery represents a number of investment risks, including reputational risk and brand damage as well as earnings sustainability risks. As a result, the coalition expresses its support for strong regulation to combat modern slavery.

Submission date: October 2022

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Submission: Review of Your Future, Your Super Measures


RIAA commented on Treasury’s review of the Your Future, Your Super regime.

Submission date: September 2022

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New Zealand

Submission: Aotearoa New Zealand Climate-related disclosures: Final consultation


RIAA commented on the External Reporting Board’s (XRB) final exposure drafts of Aotearoa New Zealand Climate Standard 1: Climate-related Disclosures (CS 1), Aotearoa New Zealand Climate Standard 2 (NZ CS 2): First-time Adoption of Aotearoa New Zealand Climate Standards (CS 2) and Aotearoa New Zealand Climate Standard 3: General Requirements for Climate-related Disclosures (CS 3).

Submission date: September 2022

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Submission: Superannuation Performance Test Treatment of Faith-based Products – Regulations 


RIAA commented on the proposed detail of changes to the performance test treatment of faith-based superannuation products under the Exposure Draft Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment (Annual performance assessments—Faith-based products) Regulations 2022: FBPs (Exposure Draft Regulations). 

Submission date: September 2022

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New Zealand

Submission: NZX Corporate Governance Code review


RIAA commented on New Zealand’s Exchange Te Paehoko o Aotearoa (NZX) proposed changes to the NZX Corporate Governance Code in relation to ESG reporting and diversity.


Submission date: August 2022

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Submission in response to the consultation on a legislative response to Modern Slavery and Worker Exploitation, Forced Labour, People Trafficking and Slavery


RIAA welcomes the opportunity to make a submission for the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s consultation on a legislative response to Modern Slavery and Worker Exploitation, Forced Labour, People Trafficking and Slavery.

Submission date: August 2022

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Submission: Superannuation Performance Test Treatment of Faith-based Products


RIAA responded to Treasury’s consultation on proposed changes to the performance test for faith-based superannuation products, identifying several issues and recommendations.

Submission date: July 2022

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Comment on ISSB Draft Standards – S1 General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related and Financial Information and S2 Climate-related Disclosures


The AASB consulted on how the International Sustainability Standards Board’s proposed sustainability standards should be implemented in Australia.

Submission date: July 2022

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Submission to the Draft IFRS S1 – General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information


The International Sustainability Standards Board sought comment on its draft general sustainability-related financial disclosures standard.

Submission date: July 2022

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Submission to the Draft IFRS S2 – Climate-related Disclosures


The International Sustainability Standards Board sought comment on its draft climate-related disclosures standard.


Submission date: July 2022

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Joint Australian bodies submission to the International Sustainability Standards Board’s draft standards


RIAA and a coalition of industry groups support the International Sustainability Standards Board’s proposal for a global baseline for sustainability disclosures standards.


Submission date: July 2022

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Submission in response to the Senate Inquiry on the Application of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Australia


The Senate sought submissions into the application of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) – the most comprehensive international instrument on the rights of Indigenous peoples – in Australia. Many of the inquiry TORs were relevant to investors, including legal issues relevant to ensure compliance with the UNDRIP.

Submission date: May 2022

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Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2021 co-design process


The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2021 (ACH Act) provides a modern framework for the recognition, protection, conservation and preservation of Aboriginal cultural heritage while recognising the fundamental importance of Aboriginal cultural heritage to Aboriginal people.


Before the ACH Act comes into operation, the Australian Government sought input to develop the regulations, statutory guidelines and operational policies to support the new Act and ensure it will have its intended effects.

Submission date: May 2022

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New Zealand

External Reporting Board – Aotearoa New Zealand Climate Standard 1: Strategy and Metrics and Targets


The External Reporting Board sought feedback on its draft Standard to frame how New Zealand investors and large publicly listed companies will disclose their climate change risks, under new laws set to take effect in 2022 (first reporting in 2023). The second part of the consultation was on Strategy, and Metrics and Targets.

Submission date: November 2021

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Submission for the Inquiry into and Report on Best Practice Indigenous Engagement by Corporations


The Inquiry into how the corporate sector establishes models of best practice to foster better engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers followed recent scandals in relation to the treatment of Indigenous people. Organisations such as Rio Tinto, Telstra, and Woolworths, indicate that corporate Australia needs to walk the walk and talk the talk in relation to reconciliation.

Submission date: November 2021

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New Zealand

External Reporting Board – Aotearoa New Zealand Climate Standard 1: Governance and Risk Management


The External Reporting Board sought feedback on its draft Standard to frame how New Zealand investors and large publicly listed companies will disclose their climate change risks, under new laws set to take effect in 2022 (first reporting in 2023). The first part of the consultation was on Governance and Risk Management.

Submission date: November 2021

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New Zealand

Ministry for the Environment Emissions Reduction Plan


The Emissions Reduction Plan will set out how New Zealand will meet its first emissions budget (2022-2025) and set the path towards meeting our long-term climate targets. It is a key step in the country’s transition to a low emissions future.

Submission date: July 2021

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CFA Institute – ESG Disclosure Standards for Investment Products


CFA Institute is developing voluntary, global industry standards, the CFA Institute ESG Disclosure Standards for Investment Products, to establish disclosure requirements for investment products with ESG-related features. The purpose of the Standards is to provide greater transparency and consistency in ESG-related disclosures, resulting in clearer communication regarding the ESG-related features of investment products.

Submission date: July 2021

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APRA Draft Prudential Practice Guide CPG 229 Climate Change Financial Risks 


The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) released for consultation its draft guidance to banks, insurers and superannuation trustees on managing the financial risks of climate change.


The draft Prudential Practice Guide CPG 229 Climate Change Financial Risks (CPG 229) is designed to assist APRA-regulated entities in managing climate-related risks and opportunities as part of their existing risk management and governance frameworks.

Submission date: April 2021

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Inquiry into the prudential regulation of investment in Australia’s export industries


On Wednesday, 17 February 2021, following a referral from the Hon Keith Pitt MP, Minister for Resources, Water and Northern Australia the Joint Standing Committee on Trade and Investment Growth resolved to inquire into and report on the prudential regulation of investment in Australia’s export industries.

Submission date: April 2021

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New Zealand

Climate Change Commission’s draft recommendations to Government


On 1 February 2021 the NZ Climate Change Commission began consultation on its draft advice to Government. It asked Aotearoa to share their views on climate action and the recommendations they were proposing.

Submission date: March 2021

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Your Future Your Super Fiduciary duty – draft exposure bill


The Government’s Your Future, Your Super (YFYS) package – announced in the 2020-21 Budget – is a comprehensive package of reforms designed to make sure the superannuation system delivers better outcomes for members.


The Government invited public consultation on its Exposure Draft Regulations and Explanatory Statement for YFYS and associated measures.

Submission date: February 2021

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New Zealand

FMA Proposed guidance on advertising offers of financial products under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013


The Financial Markets Authority sought views on its proposed guidance on advertising offers of financial products under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013.  The proposed guidance set out its expectations of what good conduct in the advertising of financial products would look like.

Submission date: December 2020

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Climate Change (National Framework for Adaptation and Mitigation) Bill 2020 and the Climate Change (National Framework for Adaptation and Mitigation) (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2020


In November 2020, independent MP, Zali Steggall OAM, introduced two climate change bills to Parliament. The bills set out a clear framework for national plans to be put in place and updated by the Australian Government, and for progress to be rigorously monitored and reported.

Submission date: December 2020

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Submission in response to the Interim Voice Co-Design Report


On 30 October 2019, the Minister for Indigenous Australians, the Hon Ken Wyatt AM MP, announced the start of the Indigenous Voice co-design process.


The co-design task follows the recommendation of the 2018 Joint Select Committee on Constitutional Recognition relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples to achieve a design for the Indigenous Voice, considering local, regional and national elements and how they interconnect.