Nature Working Group

RIAA’s Nature Working Group is an initiative to support members in their stewardship responsibilities to protect nature and biodiversity in their business operations and their portfolio of companies.


The Nature Working Group has a three-fold purpose: build out the recommendations of the Australian Sustainable Finance Initiative (ASFI) and Aotearoa Circle’s Sustainable Finance Roadmaps, engage with the latest international developments (particularly the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures), address nature-related financial risks and expand opportunities in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.


Guy Williams, Pollination Group


Claire Molinari, CareSuper

Manager of Working Groups

Jess Rowe, RIAA


Principal Partners

Working Group members are currently working on these six priority areas:

1. Awareness and Education for Investors

2. Nature-related Risks and Exposures

3. Activating Nature-related Investment Opportunities

4. Strategy and Systems

5. Corporate Engagement

6. External Reference Group


Publish date: July 2022

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Publish date: July 2022

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Get involved


Working groups are open to all RIAA members. If your organisation is not a RIAA member and would like to participate in a working group, take a look at our Membership Guide and join RIAA today.

If you’d like to find out more about the Nature Working Group, contact