The Dhawura Ngilan Business and Investor Initiative brings together First Nations, business and investor communities, and is focused on strengthening Australia’s First People’s heritage laws and standards for the private sector to uphold the human rights of First Peoples.
Led by the First Nations Heritage Protection Alliance in partnership with the Global Compact Network Australia (GCNA) and RIAA, this Initiative sees protecting cultural heritage as the responsibility of all Australians, including the finance and business sectors.
The Initiative formed with the intention of aligning peak bodies of responsible business and investment, with the aspirations of First Nations, to provide avenues to improve business’s respect for the cultural heritage of our First Nations Peoples, particularly those businesses that work with Country everyday.
This Initiative gives business and investor communities a positive and constructive way to contribute to the Dhawura Ngilan (Remembering Country) vision, which is Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people working with all Australians to identify, protect, conserve and communicate the unique heritage of Australia for future generations.
It aims to build partnerships and deliver resources that provide guidance to investors and businesses to engage with First Nations Peoples more respectfully. The Initiative will also support heritage protection laws that uphold the human rights of First Peoples to self-determination and free, prior and informed consent.
For more information, visit First Nations Heritage Protection Alliance.