Elevate your adviceA specialised course for Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand financial advisers to integrate ESG and sustainability into your financial advice.Launching
July 2024
Course overviewThis Australian and New Zealand adviser-focused course empowers you to confidently engage, research and advise clients with ethical values and sustainable investing objectives. Four effective learning pillars equip you with tools, templates and checklists to streamline the integration into your existing processes.13ESG and sustainable investing strategiesClient conversations and advice processesInvestment research and client portfoliosSolutions to attract and retain clientsA comprehensive overview of ethical investing, sustainability, and key ESG issues (environmental, social, and governance). Learn strategies and techniques including positive screening, divestment, engagement, sustainability themes and impact. Explore market trends, demand, financial performance and diversification through the lens of sustainable investing.Implement your unique and personalised fact finding process and systemise client discussions about ethical preferences. Establish your go-to resource bank for ESG issues and values and have everything in place for engaging client meetings. Build the elements and commentary for your advice documents and be prepared
to provide the best advice for your clients.
24Research, analyse and compare sustainable investments including managed funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Differentiate ESG, investment processes and ethical charters used by fund managers and discern quality over greenwashing. Compile a list of preferred ethical and sustainable investment products for your clients and approved product list (APL).Craft your sustainable investment philosophy and effectively convey the rationale to your clients, and throughout your website and communications. Develop a strategy to promote and introduce your ethical and sustainable investment services to new and existing
clients. Create assets and ongoing collateral to nurture and connect with clients such as newsletters, articles, and education packs.
Course detailsContact us for more informationOnline course starts July 2024
Enrol at any time
Self-paced - approximately 10 hours plus suggested readings$750 USD + GSTApproximately 10 hours of CPD/CE. Receive digital
verification badges for each module plus a certificate of
RIAA members receive a 20% discountDeliveryCommitmentCostCertificationCPD HOURS
