
RIAA’s Nature Working Group Welcomes ISS ESG as Principal Partner

It is with great pleasure that the Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA) announces ISS ESG as a Principal Partner of our Nature Working Group. ISS ESG, the responsible investment arm of ISS STOXX, is a global leader in providing environmental, social and governance solutions for asset owners, asset managers, hedge funds and asset servicing providers.


With its comprehensive and integrated set of solutions, ISS ESG brings more than 35 years of experience and expertise across a wide array of sustainable and responsible investment topics. Supporting every stage of the sustainable investment lifecycle, ISS ESG provides a platform for investors to develop and integrate responsible investing policies and practices, engage on responsible investment issues, and monitor portfolio company practices through various data sets, analytics, and screening solutions.


Estelle Parker, Co-CEO at RIAA is delighted to have ISS ESG on board as a Principal Partner and says that this collaboration will ensure that RIAA’s Nature Working Group, made up of asset owners, asset managers and others from across the responsible investment ecosystem, can continue its efforts to work towards a future that embraces a positive impact on nature. She states that “with the developments in the nature space, including the final Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) Recommendations and announcement of early TNFD adopters, now is a crucial time to leverage this momentum and reinforce the important role investors play when it comes to protecting nature and biodiversity. This Principal Partnership will support the Nature Working Group to leverage RIAA’s members’ expertise and support investors in delivering a healthy and sustainable society, environment and economy.”


RIAA’s Nature Working Group is a central hub for RIAA members to engage with the latest international developments related to natural capital, such as the TNFD; address nature-related financial risks and expand opportunities; and develop investor-led practical guides and toolkits to support RIAA members in their stewardship responsibilities to protect nature and biodiversity in their business operations and their portfolio of companies.


ISS ESG is excited to support the RIAA Nature Working Group. Investor feedback and collaboration is a crucial ingredient in understanding and addressing critical sustainability challenges investors are currently faced with, such as biodiversity-related issues. As a Principal Partner to the Nature Working Group, ISS ESG hopes to further empower investors in better measuring and reporting on nature-related risks. Julia Leske, Managing Director, Senior Consultant ESG Strategy at ISS ESG says “given the increasing pressures on nature, the finance sector has been called to action. Investor collaboration such as what we are seeing with the RIAA Nature Working Group is essential in helping investors gain crucial background knowledge and access the right tools to assess nature- and biodiversity-related risks and opportunities.” Earlier this year, ISS ESG also established the Natural Capital Research Institute dedicated to advancing the understanding of how nature affects businesses and investment portfolios. The Institute helps institutional investors incorporate nature-related considerations into their investment decision making process.


The Nature Working Group is an important community of practice for RIAA members to collaborate and share leading practices and knowledge. By participating, members have the opportunity to build their skills and enhance their effectiveness in addressing nature-related issues. Since its inception in 2021, over 220 representatives of 130 organisations including some of the largest banks and superannuation funds have joined the Nature Working Group.


Join RIAA today and unlock the valuable opportunities offered by our working groups. For more information about our Nature Working Group, view here or contact Jess Rowe, Manager of Working Groups at RIAA.